Food packaging design! How to attract your customers? Graphic application skills Episode3

Creative graphics have emotions.

It is not really said that emotions come from the graphics themselves. On the one hand, this emotion is affected by the designer’s subjective imagination and aesthetic level. On the other hand, consumers are affected by personal preference and aesthetic level when purchasing products.


Creative graphics are intuitive and easy to understand and remember. In food packaging, the emotional use of creative graphics makes the information that the food wants to convey clearer, simpler and clearer, and the visual performance of the food has improved the level of food. It creates representative graphics with unique visual and emotional expressiveness, which makes it easy for consumers to feel the charm of food and then buy. Therefore, designers should fully consider the practical and psychological needs of consumers in order to design more meaningful and attractive food packaging.


Creative graphics are an important part of food packaging design. Food packaging design is mainly used to transport packaged products, provide consumers with better food experience, attract consumers to buy and promote food sales. When designing, designers should pay more attention to the research and analysis of the market environment and understand the needs of consumers more comprehensively. Flexible use of creative graphics, color, text, format, materials and other packaging design elements can design more practical and beautiful food packaging.


Post time: Dec-23-2022